When I started this journey, it was shortly after an incident that put me in tremendous fear of losing another love that I felt so deeply. At the time of the incident, and in months since, I went in search of answers to many questions. Questions like: “How will I make it on my own?”, “Am I strong enough or brave enough?”, “How will I move forward?”, “Who am I?”, and “What is my life’s purpose?”. I still have this love in my life and am thankful for it everyday, sometimes minute by minute. But, this quest for answers now has me being a much calmer, stronger, wiser, more confident, and more loving human being. Do I have moments that I am anything but these? Of course, we all do. We are human after all. Having faith in something much bigger and greater than myself, does help me to keep those chaotic moments to a minimum. It is not easy, it just is what I must do.
With that said, there are several things I learned on this quest, that I would love to share with you. They are as follows:
The first, is that we came into this human existence as light souls of love. With any luck, we will leave this human existence the same way. Truthfully, evil does exist in each one of us and it needs to be fought against. And love is the only thing that can defeat it. Let us not give up on that battle in ourselves, and with each other.
The second, is that our life’s true purpose is to make soul connections. It matters not whether the connection is for a minute, or an hour, or a year, or a lifetime, it just matters that it is. It is up to each one of us to make the choice to connect. As we all are aware, human loss happens. With it comes heartbreak, confusion, sadness, anger, and grief. It is terrifying to stand in the face of fear of connecting, knowing that our human outcome will always take us to this same place, and through these same emotions. I argue though, that the time spent sharing love, laughter, fun, joy, and whatever else there is, is worth my having to tread through the other things. I further argue that it is in the moments when we allow our souls to connect, that miracles happen, that the heartbreak, sadness, and grief begin to fade away.
The third, is knowing that love never dies, only our human bodies do. With that knowledge, I realize that in the moments I am still, that I am silent, that I open my heart and mind to any and all possibilities, that lost loves find a way to send me a message. A message that I will understand giving me further proof of this truth. Whatever the mode of transportation, you will know it is a message from them, by the simple fact it brings them immediately into your heart and mind; filling you up with wonder, joy, love, and sometimes laughter.
And lastly, is the true meaning of freedom. Freedom is not only allowing my soul to be open to connecting, it is also in allowing it to leap. When I walk through the fear of this, is when life has no bounds, that I realize that I can be anything I want to be, that with the help of these connections I can go to places I never imagined. I have heard it said that money buys freedom; NO.. NO.. NO.. Money makes us look at each other as numbers and data and increases our egos to make us compete. Pure and simple money buys us human survival, we cannot take it with us when we go. When we allow our souls to be free, that is when we are truly rich.
I will end with a hope that you will allow your soul to shine its light of love as brightly as it can, that you will allow it to connect as often as it wants to connect, and to who or what it wants to connect, that you will forever see and feel its connections, and that you will allow it freedom to fly and spread its wings. Your thoughts and soul connection are welcomed whenever they are ready.. Feel free to be and to add comments if you so desire.. Until next time – Peace Out.
I’m listening