New Year – Another New Me

For the last several years, I have written about not choosing a New Years resolution, instead choosing a word I try to live by for that year. In past years, I chose words like giving and joy. This year, after the year we just came through, and anticipating, expected or unexpected, things continuing to happen, I have chosen the word… Courage. You see, I have recognized that God, the universe, or whatever you believe in, has filled my life with people that have protected me in many ways, as I have loved so deeply and given my heart so freely. I could never ever be more thankful for them. Many are still in my life, most completely supportive of my efforts to still love freely, yet learn to protect myself at the same time. I will always need them, their strength, their guidance, and their support, however, I hope to continue to gain the courage to stand with them, instead of having them shield me.

As I chose my word this year, I came across a friend’s post that I wanted to share, because in my eyes, she is the epitome of my word. She has been battling cancer and was told that she had only a few years. I often wonder, who I would be, or what I would do given that same knowledge. She has been a picture of grace, joy, love, and courage. I truly hope she does not mind me sharing her words, as I think we all could use a good dose of what she wrote. She has been through one year, and posted this at the beginning of this year: “This is THE year… THE year that I am going to live life to the fullest.. THE year I am going to love unconditionally.. THE year that I am going to be brave.. THE year that I defy the odds.. THE year that I am going to continue to have faith and hope..”. My additional thought, I hope we all have the same THE year.

Last night, before I could find the time to come to write this, I was in a class in which one topic was our word for the year. A member of the class began chatting with me privately. In our conversation, I mentioned my word was courage. She asked “What do you think you need courage for”? I responded, “To speak up and stand up for myself at my job, when some are trying to push me down or hold me back, to write more often on my blog about things that raise my passion, to finish my book, and I think most importantly, to be unabashedly me.” In this class, we also discussed the number values of our year. I am in an 8 year according to astrologists. An 8 year is a year of perseverance, success, and energy. So my addition to my private chatter, was “maybe I need courage to not be afraid to succeed anymore, and courage to know my worth and be financially paid for it.”

I will leave you with this, I do not know what is to come in my year, but I will try my hardest to gain the courage to stand up to it, unabashedly and unafraid. Whether that be for myself, for someone else in my life, or for a complete stranger. May we all be courageous in the things that will come this year, and may we all face, with courage, the things that hold us back from being the beings of love, we were created to be. Love and light to you all. As always, feel free to comment, your thoughts are a welcome addition.

One thought on “New Year – Another New Me”

  1. Maybe if we come to a better understanding that we are successful just by being….steps forward wouldn’t be so difficult. I used to sit and ponder what my mission was until my guides told me you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing in the now moment. If we continually think about tomorrow the successes and opportunities of today will slip right through our fingers. I do try to stand in my truth these days. Having a voice or being authentic isn’t always easy when we feel like it causes others discomfort, emotional pain. But truly..everything we do and say…shifts someone else.

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