What Is My Purpose??

I have been struggling this morning with how to begin this post. Truth is… I have said the same exact thing, in two separate circumstances, to two very different people this week. Now, as I was about to say it again, I thought maybe I needed to reach a broader audience. So here I am. I will tell you what it is that I said and then give you the circumstances in which I said it. To quote myself, “Many of us wonder what our purpose is on this planet. Our purpose is to affect those that we are supposed to affect, in the way we are supposed to affect them”. This is why I have a website that asks to keep it positive. I always want to affect someone in a positive way, a gracious way, if I can help it.

In the first circumstance, the person I was having a conversation with bluntly told me of the necessity of chaos, negativity, and darkness for balance. Is that the truth?? I do not know. Maybe it has been and does it still need to be?? I would like to think that we can be higher beings. Anyway back to our discussion. This person asked me why I was holding myself back. It was someone I could tell, although they said as much, who thought the job we were doing was beneath them. They began to talk about their purpose and their goals as being one and the same. Finding out my education, they wondered why I was not somewhere making more money, somewhere further up the chain. That is when I began to talk about the difference between my goals and my purpose, and the use of my entire skill set. I do not think they got what I was trying to say. Yet, I did take the opportunity to plant some seeds. One – never feel like you are too good for any job ever and two – never feel like you are better or above anyone else. You see I am learning discipline to achieve goals that I have set for myself. But, I am keeping in mind my actions, my reactions, and the words I use, in hopes of affecting those I am supposed to effect in a more positive way. I do usually love to quote the dictionary on meanings of words. This time the dictionary has the definitions of goals and purpose as far too similar. I wish to make the distinction between my goals on this concrete plane, and my purpose on this planet and in this universe on a soul level.

This leads me to my second conversation, in which I used that statement. There are a few people I work with; I call my soul sisters or my high vibers. I recognize them and their vibe as soon as I walk in the door. I do not even need to see them. A few days ago, I woke up with this dreadful feeling like insanity was trying to overtake everyone. A feeling of wondering how anyone is able to fight becoming mentally ill with the amount of blatant lies, negativity, chaos, lack of morality, etc. going on around them. One of these women stepped in front of me that morning and I just began to speak. I looked at her and said “I know exactly how you are feeling today, this is how I woke up feeling” and I proceeded to describe my morning. Her response “Oh My God – you see I have my headphones in today, to avoid contact with anyone, to shut out the entire negative”. I told her “do not do that, you do not know who needs you to be a light in their day, or who will be a light in yours”. I told her about my belief in what our purpose is. She then said “I was supposed to definitely hear you today”. We continued with our conversation a little longer both recognizing what we needed to hear from each other, both recognizing our purpose in effecting each other.

To the person I was going to comment to this morning, who posted that they were feeling hopeless, that they had the personality that they can save everyone. I hear you, I am the same. I realize, more each day, that I cannot also. It tears me up as well, as I cry for humanities sake. Your advice to just love on your loved ones that is going through something is sound advice. None of us feel like we are doing enough. I will add maybe we all just need to choose love period. Not say it, but do it. I want you and others to read what happened to me on that day I woke up with those feelings. Maybe it will help you feel less hopeless. Please know you will affect those that you are supposed to affect in this world. I just ask that you consider affecting them all in a positive way. Even if they do not receive what it is you are trying to get to them, plant the seed and walk away. What is supposed to happen to them will come about based on their own individual choices. That is all any of us can do and all we are supposed to do.

I am fortunate to be firmly grounded in my faith, and each day I am more recognizing the everyday miracles that are set before me. After awaking with the feeling I felt the other day, I prayed to my creator and I asked my spirit team to help rid me of such feelings. I also asked to have help in transmuting it to a positive energy before it was expelled from my person. Funny, how life is… the first person that approached me at work, was a customer that a few of us had helped a while back. He had been put in a situation that ended up in a court of law and this could very well have hurt him work wise. He gave me an update. Others who had been asking for something to change had backed him in this lawsuit. He came out the victor and his record remains clean. He had to make some new purchases, but things were getting back on track and he was doing well. He asked if I remembered him and said he just wanted to stop and thank me again for all I had done to help him in his prior situation. I held back tears in my first hour that day, but I so recognized that every single customer in front of me was giving me the best that humanity had to offer and was little by little removing this feeling from me in very positive ways. They all allowed me laughter, joy, gratitude, etc. before I knew it, that feeling was gone.

I will leave you all with this. Please consider how you affect others, and please try to affect them in positive ways. The rest is up to them and their choices.. Peace, love, and light to you all.

2 thoughts on “What Is My Purpose??”

  1. Thank you for your insight and thank you for sharing!

    I also have learned that work is less about the job and more about the people, places and things we encounter. It’s about opportunities to teach, learn, connect to those that need a hand up and to receive a helping hand when needed. We do, however, need to look up and recognize more than the task at hand.

    I received just such a miracle from a store clerk in a tiny convenient store in a small town. Someone I never saw before. She noticed me crying in an isle, approached me and asked if she could help. She ended up sharing her life story which mirrored mine. She was the only person that could reach me, feel my heartache in a very difficult/dark/hopeless time. She walked the same path 16 years before me. Everyday I went to see her and everyday she pulled me up and walked me through the hardest situation in my life. When the crisis ended she was gone and I never saw her again.

    My criteria for a miracle; something I cannot duplicate, something that exceeds the law of average, something I believe to be heaven sent.

    Know that wherever you are, whatever you do, you are exactly where you are meant to be at any given time whether you like it or not. So Look up, reach out, share your experience, strength and hope and be the miracle.

  2. Wow I always love your writing, you always have such grace and poise. But today reading this it was some thing I really needed to hear! because like you I try to block out all the negativity and I try to see the positive side of everything but lately everything has just gotten me to the point where my mind races in a negative state which I i’m not very familiar with! because like you, I go out and I help everybody I can and I always put myself last. I still try to stay positive and reading what you wrote was just some thing that I really needed to hear! I love you for your words, I love you for who you are and how much you mean to me, the girls and the boys (Memaw) I just wanted to say thank you! I truly truly appreciate you and buddy of course but right now it’s your time to shine and I just want to say you did it Amazingly!! You and your words never let me down I love you, Laura❤️❤️❤️❤️

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