Are Walls Immoral?

I always like to begin by defining words, so that I know if I have to redefine them in my personal existence. With that said, I want to define the word immoral. Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary defines immoral as “inconsistent with purity or good morals”. What then are morals? Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary defines them as “of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior”. Now that I know this, the question then becomes do I believe it to be right or wrong behavior to erect a wall.

If I am going to speak honestly in answering this question, then I will begin in this way. As a human, more than once, I have built a wall around my heart to protect it from pain and breakage. Recently, I was in a discussion with a couple, whom I both enjoy the company of, and respect. In that discussion, I had to deal with a truth, that I had lived, where I live now, for 14 years, and I have never felt comfortable enough to ask anyone to go dancing, or shopping, or to a movie. Did I have friends? Did I have people that liked me? Of course, at least I thought so. So why wasn’t I inviting them to do things with me? To share my life? In this journey, and in my awakenings of what love is, I realized that I had built a wall. I had kept people at arms lengths. I had them close enough to enjoy their company on my terms. But, far enough away that losing them, in whatever way that term means, wouldn’t crush my heart. In my journey, I am making the attempt, to bring these walls down. However, evil does exist on this planet, that means that I will always need some sort of barrier around my heart, to protect it from total devastation. I guess then, there is a need for walls to protect. At least until the only thing that exists, is love.

As I write, my mind wanders to the affluent and powerful. Business leaders, athletes, singers, actors, politicians, national leaders, world leaders, religious leaders, and to some extent homeowners, many of whom erect walls around their nations, their fortunes, their properties, their homes. Why? Is it because they want to protect themselves from harm? To protect their fortunes? Do they want their deserved privacy? Is it all of the above? And if they think in this way, then why is it not right for the impoverished to think the same way? Do the affluent and powerful believe they have more right, than the homeless, who are far more often prayed upon? Is any of this truth? I am finding in our separation from each other, the truth is much harder to come by and find. I cannot, and will not, speak for anyone else, but myself. In honesty, I have put up barriers to protect my home, my property, my fortune, my privacy, to keep myself from harm and possible evils out. Does it work? To some extent, very possibly and/or probably, as a deterrent if nothing else, or maybe just for peace of mind.

Here is where I find myself, having to admit, if I use any kind of wall in my existence, then others deserve it in theirs. Sadly, as long as evil and hate exist, there will probably be a need for them. I have said before and will say again, that the only thing that is more powerful than, and removes evil, is love; true and unconditional, not what comes out of our mouths, instead what comes out of our hearts. Maybe one day, I will be more Christlike or Godlike, and be able to walk in a pure, fearless, unadulterated love. To be able to stand in love, no matter what the evil is presented to me, even if that evil means death. For now, as I take baby steps in learning how to get there, do I think walls are immoral? Not necessarily. A necessity? I guess, sadly. So what do you think? Have any thoughts? Truths you want to admit to or share? Have any walls in your existence? Are your walls immoral? Let us know what you think whenever you are ready.

One thought on “Are Walls Immoral?”

  1. Are walls immoral?

    I think they’re necessary…..but not because someone else tells me they are. I get to decide that for myself. I get to decide when to use them and when not to, when to close the door and when to open it. Everyone has a right to decide that for themselves.

    Relationships without boundaries are among the most dysfunctional. It’s far more costly to have NO boundary then to maintain them. It doesn’t matter at all if we build a steel baracade on the southern border if we can’t say “NO” within our own houses and for THAT boundary to be respected.

    My issue with the current political climate and the state of our union is that if we build a barricade to keep out the so called riff raff (we are of coarse are “better” than them)…. if we extract the burden of the barricade off the backs of said riff raff ( because we are better and they deserve to pay for it )….if we maintain an arrogant privilege to claim ownership and cross said barricade at our political convenience ( which I am certain we will for this is the price of believing we are the greatest nation in the history of nations ) ….. then IMMORAL doesn’t begin to describe it.

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