Sometimes I just get sad by some of the things that are posted on social media that further cause a divide. Lately I have been seeing a post that I wanted to address here, instead of commenting on another site. The post reads “If Jesus were on Earth today, would he be at a Trump Rally or walking with the caravan?” One of the best things I have heard in my life, is that although Jesus did die on the cross to relieve us of sin, that is not necessarily all he was here for. They say, that Jesus real purpose was to teach us how to live, to give us an example to live by.
Some of the things that Jesus taught while he was here, are how to serve and not be served, how to be humble, and the need to seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness. He taught us that a good shepherd is willing to lay down his life for his sheep, and to seek out those who wander off, for God does not like to have any of his children perish. He told us to forgive ourselves and each other, so that we may be forgiven by his father. He told us to do to others, that which we would have them do to us, and to love our enemies, as well as, our neighbors, and pray for those who persecute us. Most importantly, he asked us to do the will of his father; “to love the Lord our God, with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind” and “love our neighbor as ourselves”.
Jesus had a divine nature, and we, well we, all have evil and good in us. This fact, makes it near impossible for us to do all these things, or to live in this way. I for one, am willing to try to do the best that I can in the life I am given. I will fall a good distance short, because I am human. And because human life is about balance; good and bad, yin and yang, love and hate, light and shadow, etc.. So my answer to the question that started it all, is that he would be at both. He would also try to be in every one of our hearts, souls, and minds, as well as, in the hearts, souls, and minds, of those that govern us, those that make the laws that we are requested or made to follow.
My thought is that if Jesus were on Earth today, he would be finding ways to have us find our way back to love and to solutions for the betterment of all. I like to think that maybe, just maybe, if we lived with God’s laws in our hearts, we would find a way to create laws in compromise, change or rid ourselves of laws that injure, follow created laws or pay the penalty, and realize that laws were meant to be followed or obeyed, not broken.
How we get away from a question and a divide like this, I do not know. I do know discussions need to be had, solutions need to be arrived at, and both of these need to begin with love in our hearts, and open minds. I know I am not the only one that feels sadness for a home so divided, or that is finding ways to add love back into their daily routine, so if you are too and you wish to comment, please do. We are waiting to hear from you. Until next time..