Business As Usual

I am admittedly not much of a city person or a highway driver. I prefer the slow and go of the backroads. I enjoy looking at the scenery as I drive to my destinations. But, this morning, I drove through the inner city on my way back from a doctors visit. It made me sad to see the sheer poverty of it all. The closed businesses, and the run down buildings. It made me think, how do we get here? How do places like this end up in such dire straights? how do we fix it? Can it even be fixed? The first thought that came to my mind is — this is just business as usual.

Who is to blame for things ending up this way? I brought this up in discussion, with my husband, after arriving home. We talked about a little grocery store up the street from our house, owned by a neighbor. My husband talked about how they will let produce rot, instead of knocking down the price before it does. That is when I chimed in. Maybe we all are to blame and just do not want to say so, or take our part in the responsibility. Pointing the finger is so much easier, isn’t it?

First thing I said, was the small business person has to get better at finding the balance between earning a living, and doing right by their customers. Why not, knock down the price so the food doesn’t go to waste? Then again, waste means loss, and loss is good for writing off and lowering taxes. Broken items go back to distributors, who guess what, write them off as a loss on their taxes. And up the chain it goes.. Shaking my head, business as usual.

The second thing I said, is people need to support their local businesses, instead of going to the big stores and paying a cheaper price. And while I am talking about big stores, how did we end up in an era, where we say that businesses are to big to fail? How did we get to a place when a business requires a bailout from a government formed by the people, for the people? I suppose we can view it all as neighbor helping neighbor. Of course we are helping the employees, our neighbors. But, who is making the decisions, that are bringing about the failures? and where are they in the fixing process? Where is their financial, or otherwise, sacrifice for their bad decisions? How do they walk away with large sums of money?

And what is the governments part in all of this? Setting laws that may hinder competition, that have people creating losses to avoid taxation, that allow a business to become so large that its failure would be devastating, or that create laws that help one fraction of society – while hurting another. We just had a changing of the guard, so to speak, here in America. It was brought in with a call for unity. I will do what I do with every changing of the guard, have hope, give them opportunity to act, pay attention, etc.. Still or already, we see protestors causing destruction in multiple major cities; Portland, Seattle, Denver, etc.. I am saddened for the people who live in those cities, and wonder why it continues. When will it not be business as usual?

I am not much for a big anything. I think the bigger something gets, the more it is about its own survival and control, then it is about the service to the people. With that said, I suppose, I do not have any of the answers, and would like to depend on the goodness of us all to bring about change that needs to happen. Some of us taking risks again to follow our passions with a business. Some of us supporting that person in their endeavor. Some of us helping with clean up and rebuilding. Some of us kicking back crime, instead of letting it continue. Maybe finding new ways of punishment. You destroy a business, you help rebuild it. I hope one day our inner cities can flourish like they once did with small businesses. Maybe one day we will find a way to get there. What I do know right now, however, is business as usual is not working.

I suppose that is my thought on the subject, feel free to leave yours. Please try not to be critical, instead be constructive. Maybe all our minds and hearts together can find the solutions necessary. Until next time – peace out – love to you all.

Christmas Eve Gift

In these days of materialism or commercialism, I think we all get lost in the true meaning of what should happen this time of year. Forgiveness, for one, also remembrance, reflection, reconnection, fun, and joy. Today I wanted to bring some of that back in and tell you of a little game, challenge, well I am not really sure what to call it, that my husband’s family has taken part in for generations. He spoke this morning, about how we are all of an older generation now, and the game is dying out. He said there are fewer and fewer of us playing now. So I thought I would bring it to you, along with a poem I wrote to the players for Christmas, some years back. Maybe some of you, might want to begin to play and teach it to your children for years to come. Simple things meant to bring laughter and fun should never die out.

Here is the story as I am told. Generations ago relatives of my husbands, would walk a country mile, or ride a mule to their closest relative on Christmas eve. They would approach the door, knock, and then duck out of sight. As the home occupants answered the door, out they would jump and yell “Christmas Eve Gift”. After a moment of laughter, they would all gather in the house and swap stories, happenings, goals, etc. over a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa. Once the visiting was over, they would head home, to prepare themselves for the celebration of Christmas. I think in the simpler times, they realized we are the gift to each other. You to me and me to you. Time is so fleeting, yet so important when you are with those you love. How have we forgotten that?

As the years went by, generations changed, technology advanced, and family members moved to far off places. The face to face visits became harder to do, so the yell became a phone call away. So groggy or not, when your phone rings on Christmas eve at 5:30 am, you better be ready to tell the person on the other side; Christmas Eve Gift and be ready to chat about what’s new. A few years back we got a text telling us “Christmas Eve Gift”, we called that out of bounds. The purpose of the challenge is to get us to reconnect, even if over the phone, and even for 10 minutes. We must see your face or hear your voice.

I’ll leave you with my poem in hopes that someone out there, somewhere out there, someone will carry on a tradition and get back to the basics – realizing that time is the best gift we can give to each other. Why not add in a little fun, a little debate about the winner, and a catch up to the new happenings in our lives. From my heart to yours – A Christmas Eve Gift….

         Christmas Eve Gift
 The clock has struck the midnight hour
 The second hand ticks away
 Taking us to 12:01 am
 Of the day before Christmas morn
 With everyone acting peculiarly
 As if they have something to say
 From this point on, until the midnight hour
 When Christmas Eve slips away
 The phones will ring, and anything goes
 In a game we all love to play
 The players have changed over the course of the years
 But the game remains the same
 The quickest one, is who everyone fears
 So try to get me first
 Before I win the game
 The funny thing is there are no rules
 Or object to this game
 Bragging rights is what you win
 If you are the first to say: 
 “Christmas Eve Gift” 

 Laura Standrowicz        
 December 2004

My Questions On Privilege – White or Otherwise

Dear Readers, I am here today because I read an article, that both a sibling and friend shared. The name of the article “What I Said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege” written by Lori Lakin Hutcherson and published July 23, 2016. Here is the link: . I think it is a good article to read to enhance our perspectives and gain a little understanding. I have said twice in the last two days, “what I am learning in this life.. just when I think I know, I do not know”. I say this, as I am curious and believe that openness to learning anything and everything is essential. After reading the article, I had my own questions of Lori or anyone else who could answer them. It is my belief some of the things that have brought us here are our… fear, silence, anger, hatred, lack of kindness, and an extreme lack of forgiveness.

I will state for the record, for those that do not know, I am white. I have also tried to live a life in kindness, compassion, love, understanding, and respect. I know I have totally failed at times. Probably more often than I like to think or admit. Some will be shocked to read, that I have felt more times in my life, like I did not fit in anywhere. Maybe we all feel like that and just stay silent to that truth. In high school, I was never invited to anyone’s parties, why? I am not sure. But, although I had friends and/or acquaintances in the groups, as they liked to separate too, or were forced to separate too, I never really felt in any of them. I rarely did drugs or drank, I was smart and maybe even nerdy, played softball, sang in the choir, and marched in the color guard part of the band. Maybe I was a little bit of all of them, or not enough of any of them. It becomes clearer to me daily, that there are more people, that feel the same way, or have felt the same way. Maybe we all do. It is difficult to know and feel our own worth, in this world, and stand in that truth no matter what or who we are..

I will also say I have addressed, in a previous post, a similar topic, when someone whom I grew up with, told me “my white privilege” was showing. Her saying that, truly hurt me to the core. My intention was never to hurt her, and I hope she knows that. I would like to think my heart has always been in the right place. She and I have been separated for a long time, neither of us really knows the experiences of the other, this is why I have questions to anyone who can answer them, and why I started this blog. For us to find a way to put our anger, hurt, and hatred aside, and begin to know those same things in others. Or even better to celebrate the wins, the accomplishments, the joys, and find peace with others. Although others may feel it necessary to be heard or seen, I have never been a big fan of destruction, anger, or hatred bringing about change, because end result usually is someone else getting hurt. Is there a way to make the change from the positive and understanding?? Is there a way to make change without someone being hurt??

Back to my questions to the article: Can someone feel those same things that Lori felt from members of their own race, ethnicity, sex, religion, etc? I think I have and my husband as well. For sure we have felt them from people of an upper financial status.. My biggest question, however, and really one that may bring other questions up in the conversation: Can someone have White Privilege and still have experienced exactly or near exactly the same things as Lori but in reverse?

Here are a few of my examples:

Example one… In my late teens, on a bus trip to New York City, wandering about the city seeing as much as I could. I had heard about 42nd street and the area where New York has celebrated New Years for years. So I wanted to see it. As I got to the area, I proceeded to walk down 42nd street to see what it was like. About four blocks down or more, a man (not my race) put his hand on my shoulder and said excuse me miss. He was preaching on one of the corners. As I turned around, he asked me “what in the world are you doing here?” I suppose I had not noticed I was the only white person in a several block radius. I told him “I was just sight seeing”. He said “not in this neighborhood”. He told me to go back the way I came, to not look back, and to not take it slowly. Feeling afraid now, I made my way back to Times Square and carried on. Maybe my privilege thought I could go there? Maybe there wasn’t any privilege at all? And what exactly did he save me from?

Example two… In my mid twenties, I moved from one coast to the other. On my drive I wanted to see as much as I possibly could. One of those things was the St Louis Archway. I had no map, no directions, just kept driving towards it. Low on gas, and probably not too many blocks away, I stopped at a gas station to fill up. I had not noticed I was the only white person there, until I went into pay. As I asked the cashier (not my race) to start my pump, he said “Girl, what in the f__k are you doing here?” I responded “trying to get gas and see the Archway”. He said “get your gas and get the hell out of this neighborhood as fast as you can”. Afraid again, I got my gas and got back on the freeway, never did I make it to the Archway. What did he save me from? Was it feeling like Lori felt? or was it more harm?

Example Three… In my later twenties, I had a friend from work (also not my race). We would go out after work, either near work, or to a place I frequented. She had taken me to her home, her cousins home, her neighborhood. I had met her family and close friends. We shared a lot of love and laughter all of us. One day, she wanted to take me to where she frequently went. So we dressed up and made our way. The evening itself was nice. I was the only white person in the establishment, and several made their way over and introduced themselves. We danced and had fun. What I had not noticed, nor did my friend, is a group of about 8 to 10 women had gathered and were whispering among themselves. They had waited until we were ready to leave. They followed the two of us out, yelling for me to stop. They used racial slurs and called me every expletive in the book, among other things. My friend grabbed me and threw me behind her. She gave me directions to follow, to get me safely to the vehicle. She had put herself between me and the mob I will call them. Each step we took back, they took forward. She, with amazing courage, stood up to them and saved me at the same time. She apologized over and over and over again for putting me in harms way. She thought more of humanity as did I. I told her no apology necessary.. We knew love..

Today, my husband and I live in a predominantly black neighborhood, and we do have some that given the opportunity, blow their hatred our way. Others will apologize for the actions of their relatives, and friends. Living here, I have also experienced Lori’s truth, being pulled over in an auto we own. Truth is, I know they thought we were not white, but could not tell through the tinted windows. I know that it was every bit of wrong, wrong, wrong to be pulled over without committing a crime, or breaking a law. I also know my experience, was probably a whole lot different, then Lori’s husbands. So please do not think I am not willing to understand or hear truths that need to be told. Everybody has truths, and I think the creator knows what they are. I think we just need to share them with openness, kindness, gentleness, and love, and NOT hatred.

I would like to think that I have not viewed every officer, the way I viewed the one that pulled us over. I would like to think that I have not put people in groups or viewed them in that manner. Maybe I have and do not know it. Maybe, people group themselves out of fear, safety, compatibility, etc. I would like to think that kindness and respect go along way, and have tried to use them in many a situation. I have recognized those things from many others as well, like the two men in the first two examples. I think there is so much more to what each of us has experienced and maybe it is time to take each individual as they appear, to be kind to them, to respect them, to forgive them, and to love them. Maybe it is time to see each other as God sees us – perfect in who we are.. What are your thoughts??

Tending A Garden

Let me begin by saying I am not much of a green thumb, although I do love to be surrounded by nature; trees and wildlife. Also water if I have any say so. But, as of last year, I am learning how to grow a few things in a garden. After some failures last year, I am being open to suggestions from people who love to garden, and am getting out and doing a little more work. I may not be doing things perfectly, at least I am trying to get better at it, and trying to find joy in doing it. Gardening is like other things in life I am finding, we love the rewards at the end, but sometimes don’t like to put in the necessary work.

With that said, last year it was tomatoes and jalapeno peppers. And we found out, last year, that tomato horn worms like peppers as much as tomatoes. Who would have thought that. I cannot even tell you how many horn worms we pulled off the plants. Even though we had that problem, the peppers were plentiful. The tomatoes not so much. This year we did a couple of things different, and already I am seeing improvement.

This year, we used tomato cages instead of stakes. this is allowing our plants to get a little higher and our tomatoes to spread out more and become bigger. We planted garlic around the perimeter and in between rows as a deterrent to keep the horn worms at bay. So far, no sighting and that is a great thing. We planted other herbs as well in the garden – Basil, Nasturtium, thyme, rosemary, sage, and chives. All but one, seems to be doing beautifully. I have to investigate what is going on with my sage, and possibly move its location. I will check with the farmers almanac for a good replanting day if that is necessary. This year we also planted quite a few bell peppers and fewer jalapenos. We were worried that with the amount of rain we have had, which meant later planting, that our garden would not produce. We are finally beginning to see buds, flowers, and growth. Something to bring us smiles.

I am learning that gardening is like anything or everything else in life. It has its positive in providing fruit and its negative in weeds, it needs to be provided with love and care to succeed, and the more work you put into it, the greater the reward. I am not doing perfectly in my weeding, but I am trying. I am not giving it total love and care as I try to balance my garden with work, writing, and other things needing to be done around the house. One day I will find balance and time for it all. I will do this because in the end the rewards are totally worth all the time and effort put in.

In the end, I guess if I could say anything to you, whether you too are growing a garden or just attempting to live a life worth it. Just remember, every choice has its benefits and consequences, every reward requires hard work, when we remove the negative we make more room for the positive, and everything needs love and care – me, you, our friends, strangers, our gardens, all life. Let us tend to them with joyous hearts. As always feel free to leave a comment, an addition, a part of who you are. It will always be welcomed here with an open heart.

Open The Heart & Love

In prior posts, I have shared with you, an excerpt from an Ann Landers (Dear Abby) column, that I have carried around in my pocket for decades. My mother cut it out of the newspaper when I was sixteen, and handed it to me to read. I have kept it with me at all times since then. It is an article in which a woman wrote asking what love is. Ms Landers used something written by Laura Hendricks as her response. “Love is friendship caught fire; it is quiet, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection, and makes allowances for human weaknesses. Love is content with the present, hopes for the future, and does not brood over the past. It is the day-in and day-out chronicles of irritations, problems, compromises, small disappointments, big victories, and working toward common goals. If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you do not have it, no matter what else there is , it is not enough.”

Many people view today as a day to celebrate the relationships with their spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, significant others, etc. Me, I view today, as a day to celebrate love in all its forms. With that said, it was important to let the girl who drew my blood, know I appreciated her. She got a Happy Valentines Day from me, along with a thank you, and a have a great day. Isn’t she as deserving of my love as the next person? I also wished my co-worker a Happy Valentines Day. She too is deserving of some of my heart. If there is one thing this journey has taught me, it is how to redefine words, or terms, I have been taught in my life. It has taught me to broaden my perspective. To think, look, and feel outside the box.

Although I do love what I have carried with me for a great portion of my life, and read it often, there are things I so wish to add to it. For instance I would say love is the opening of a heart to feeling. I would say the only limits and boundaries it has are those that we individually put on it. I would say it is uncontrollable, and like the wind, blows to us, from us, past us, around us, and through us. I’ve learned you cannot grasp it or hold it, it is and always will be free. And most importantly, although it may fade, it truly never dies. It may separate and fluctuate. But, if we are open to it, it will always find its way in, and will grow stronger with time.

I wrote something twenty-five years ago today, I’d like to share with you. It is called:

My Valentines Poem 
The rose, when its red, is a symbol of love
When its yellow, a symbol of friends
When its white, its like peace, as in the flight of a dove
When one is given the smile it brings

Whatever the color, the pedals unfold
Always a sight of great beauty
For each and every eye to behold
And appreciate in the midst of life's duties

The rose, is just one of the symbols, of Valentine's Day
A day that is all about love
A day when we show those we care about them
through our smiles, our laughter, our hugs

I wish for you everyday like today
A day filled with smiles, laughter, and more
But most of all a day filled with love
Shared with friends, and those
Who make life such a joy.

Laura Standrowicz
c: February 1994

So today, open your heart and let love in and out. Celebrate loves existence. If you do, I am sure, you will feel a little lighter and brighter. As I have shared with you, if you would like to share something of your own with us, please do. It matters not if it is your thoughts, feelings, a story, poem, or simply a word. We are here waiting to share. If you are not ready, that is okay. I will simply say: Happy Valentines Day!! From my open heart to yours.

What Life Needs…

Water on the leaves, stems, ground, and roots of the rose bush
Water to nourish..
Heart shaped clovers in a clover patch
Faith, hope, and love to make it all complete…. 

As we walk along our paths today, may we take the time to nourish someone’s soul and be the light that guides their way. Trust with our hearts and minds that we are where we are supposed to be. May we always find a way to help each other grow and flourish. It cannot be said enough, that we never know when the small thing we do, changes a life forever. Let us all make sure that small thing is a positive thing – a smile, a hello, a thank you, a helping hand, a kind gesture, an invite, a listening ear, so many things to choose from… Please choose wisely — Choose Love.. 

Feeling Froggy…

For those of us lucky enough to live in a wooded country setting, the sounds of life are astounding. We hear everything from fox yelp, coyote howls, bobcat growls, to birds chirping, bees buzzing, leaves rustling from the weight of multiple possibilities deer, armadillo, squirrel, snake, etc., and tree frogs. Today I want to talk about those little tree frogs called peepers and add in a few things from my perspective.

Yesterday when I began my walk, I could hear the separate sounds of the individual frogs. But, as life and awareness would have it, before too long I could hear them all in harmony, in the same vibrational pattern, almost like the sound of an ocean wave hitting the shore, or like traffic on a freeway. This made me think about my life, my spiritual journey, and its need for harmony.

As I raise my spiritual level and awareness to all that is around me (seen and unseen), I realize that I cannot continue the struggle between finding my authentic self and stresses of the ego; work, home, spouses, children. I must like the frogs pattern find the ultimate balance between them, the harmony that truly does exist. Have no fear, everyday brings me a little closer to this balance. And if you are on a similar journey, you will get there as well. It is about living life filled with love and passion in each moment and having faith and not worrying about what has not yet arrived, for all will work its way out, and teach us lessons along the way.

As I sit here writing, and letting you all know a little about this tiny frog, I think it synchronistic that my nickname growing up was Kermit or Frog. When I asked the person who started the trend why that? He simply said it was the first thing that came into his mind. So I will begin to teach you about the unseen part of the frog. Several cultures believe in spiritual animals. They look to them for guidance, reassurance, and knowledge. With that said, I did look up the Spiritual meaning of the frog.

Frogs symbolic meaning is growth and transformation. They sing their song to remind you to sing yours, to find your voice, and live your truth. They want you to cleanse yourself, to connect with your emotions, look at all perspectives, and rid yourself of negativity. They cannot live very long in a toxic environment, so they challenge you to release your anger, hatred, and bitterness and find a way to love yourself. They come to people who simply are not taking care of themselves to let them know it is time to change, to renew, to rebirth, to step back and look at new ideas and outlooks. Because tree frogs form from a tadpole, which is similar in appearance to male sperm, the sign of fertility or new life, it also takes on the meaning of bringing abundance and luck to origin. Thus, frogs also mean abundance and luck.

The peepers or tree frogs, as we call them in the south, are about an inch long, greenish-gray or brown, and feed off small insects. They have tiny, sticky pads at the end of their long toes to help them cling to plants and/or other objects. And like all flamboyant men, the male inflates a balloon like sac on his throat to make his call louder and carry farther to attract a mate. The males and females actually live on land, but females lay their eggs in water. Those eggs will one day become tadpole, and with luck and survival instincts, those tadpole will become frogs.

I find myself also in recent days wanting to know what laws exist about any and all topics. So for information purposes, the few things I did find related to frogs, was in regards to property rights and restrictions. The first one, was to let the people know who want to learn more about the frog, that they must first receive permission from the landowner to access the property where the frogs exist. The other is that the government, if they so wish, can restrict land owners from activities on their property to protect the habitat of the frog. In recent times, there have been court decisions in government’s favor on further land restrictions for the use of creating habitats for different species, even if the natural habitats are not conducive to the species. Maybe we need to think about our developing ways, and a species natural habitat, so that we have balance with restrictions to land owners. Just my thought, but I so want yours.

As always we wait for your additions to any and all posts, and hope that one day you will join in. As far as this one, I will leave you with this quote from Toni Braxton “I am not a diva, I am a tadpole trying to be a frog”.


The Journey Continues – All About New Mexico..

If I remember correctly, at the end of my last journey post we were through the Panhandle Plains region of Texas. So today’s post begins with, Maruawe, how the Comanche greet us, in their language, as we cross from Texas into New Mexico and drive through the small area where they reside. As in every state there is a sign that welcomes us in. This one says “Welcome To New Mexico – The Land Of Enchantment”. I suppose it could be the Land of Enchantment, as its 121,590 square mile landscape ranges from beautiful rose-colored deserts to broken mesas to stunning snow-capped peaks. The one thing it is in short supply of though, is surface water. As only 250 square miles of the total 121,590 accounts for this. Even though there is so little water, a significant portion of the state is still covered in forested mountain wilderness.

This day, we continued driving another 351 miles to our stop in Gallup, which is approximately 21 miles from the border of Arizona. I am fortunate to be able to look at the scenery as we make our drive. Sadly, however, we stop only briefly and I must be quick to snap a few photos. These are not the best, but they are real, rich in the rose color and blue skies. I would have liked to photo shop out the utilities, but I would so rather keep it real. And reality is that we, no matter where we are, are so accustomed to luxuries like electricity. On my next trip, I intend to get some stunning photos and not put you through ones like these. With that said, thank you for bearing with me on this trip.

Now I am not one to only stare out the window as we drive, even if the scenery is stunningly beautiful. I find it necessary to also use my mind.

So, I take moments in between the images my brain is capturing to try to educate myself to things I may not have known about New Mexico.  I thought I would share some of these with you.

I learned that the Native Americans inhabited this area for thousands of years before the Spanish Settlers colonized it in 1598. These Spanish Settlers had named it Nuevo Mexico after the Aztec Valley of Mexico in 1563. The Mexican-American war created the US New Mexico territory and it was later admitted into the union as the 47th state on January 6, 1912. It also is the 5th largest state in the United States, Santa Fe is its capital and cultural center, and it is one of the four states that make up the famed “Four Corners”. The other three are Arizona, Colorado, and Utah.

On our trip we travel through Albuquerque, New Mexico’s largest city. Like all large cities, there is plenty to do in Albuquerque, however, the world’s largest hot air balloon festival every October is surely a sight to see, definitely a bucket list item. And have no fear if you like to stay grounded, as I do, you can observe only – no need to ride. But if you are an adventurer, take a ride and gain a new perspective.

We wave goodbye to Albuquerque, and soon enter the Pueblo Indian Reservation. Guwatsi Hoba is the greeting, in their language, the Pueblos would offer us. Though very short-lived, I did get to browse a shop with artifacts, loved that. Time moves so fast, however, so we must get back on the road. The next area we travel through is the Cibola National Forest. I was shocked to learn that this national forest covers 1.6 million acres in New Mexico, holy smokes that is a lot of acres.  It also has elevations that range from 2,700 feet to 11,300 feet. Our travels will keep us in the mid to lower elevations.

Getting towards the end of day one, we make our way just north of the Zuni Indian Reservation (and miss their greeting Keshi) for the final miles into Gallup and our stop for the night. Although we chose not to stay at the famed historic El Rancho Hotel & Motel on Route 66, we did stay close enough to walk over to view the site and have a very good meal in their restaurant. After dinner, and the walk back to our hotel, it is time for sleep. It has been a long day and we have 376 more miles to get to our first visit with friends.

I hope you have been enjoying my trip, next post into Arizona. Any comments?? You know what to do..

The Journey Begins – All About Texas..

One thing I am learning in my transformation, is that time is very fleeting and far too much of it is wasted on negative energy. We spend far too much time rushing to get to somewhere, that we completely miss the joy of the journey. Of course, that is sort of what we did, rushed to our destinations. Being the passenger, however, allowed me to gain information and take in the sites, even if we did not stop that often. It did not allow for a lot of picture-taking though, so I did the best I could. With that said, I am trying to savor every moment, to live my life fully, sharing it with others, if only for small moments at a time. That is what this trip was about, about spending time with old friends, family, and about attending a wedding of a pretty special girl. So as promised, here is a post about the beginning of our journey.

We set out on part one of our journey, from our home in East Texas to visit a friend in Fort Mohave, AZ, early on a Sunday morning. The total distance of this part would be 1,325 miles. Our first day was a 949 mile drive that ended at a hotel in Gallup, NM. This post has us traveling the 598 miles through the Piney Woods, Prairies and Lakes, and Panhandle Plains regions of Texas. The remainder of our first days journey will be completed on the next post. Rest assured that you will make the complete journey with me, only in smaller increments, so that we can take time to savor it.

So to begin, the Piney Woods, where I live, are a region of Texas consisting of 23,500 square miles. Its elevations range from 200 to just over 500 feet above sea level. It is a region of thick forests of pines, that are part of a larger forest that extends into Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. The small rolling hills have wet bottomlands that grow hardwood trees. Along with our pines, we have everything from oaks, elms, ash, birch, and maples to red mulberry and farkleberry on our property. To give you an idea of the size of some of our trees, we have cut down a few that had reached the height of 110 feet and taller. It is also a good thing that I love my critters, as this region is home to all kinds of woodland wildlife. We have everything from snakes, birds, squirrels, rabbits, and opossums to raccoon, deer, fox, and more.

On into the Prairies and Lakes region next. A region consisting of 45,000 square miles. The elevations here range from 300 to 800 feet above sea level. Patches of woodlands, like those in my area, sprinkle throughout the grassland prairies in this region. The hills roll gently and there are several lakes and state parks that people go to, to enjoy activities, like fishing. They have found fossils of 17 different dinosaurs in this region, so we know that even giant dinosaurs once roamed here.

Onto the final miles in Texas, the Panhandle Plains region. This region consists of 81,500 square miles, whose elevations range from 1300 to nearly 4000 feet above sea level. It is a region of mostly flat, grassy lands or plains. According to, “The plains here are actually part of the same flat land that extends from what we call the Great Plains of the Central United States”. Kansas, Nebraska, and North and South Dakota are just a few of the states that make up the Great Plains. The Panhandle Plains are mostly treeless and on a high, flat plateau. If you are lucky enough to view the divide between the more rolling, lower elevated eastern, and the higher, more flat western, parts of the panhandle, then you will see some breathtakingly beautiful deep canyons carved by rivers. Though my brain has images of here, sadly my camera does not. Perhaps a reader that has been here or lives here can help us with a picture.

I stop here at the Texas border and will continue on my next post, where we will say goodbye to Texas and complete our first days journey. If you have pictures of your own from any of these regions in Texas, or a story to tell of a trip you took, or just thoughts on this part of our journey, please share when you are ready. We are here waiting for you to join in.


The Need To Weed…

Today I am here to admit that I have never been much of a gardener. But, I am beginning to recognize that there is a need for me to learn to become one. Several days ago, as I looked out my kitchen window, I saw that the weeds were out growing one of the trees we planted late last year. So I put on the gloves, went outside and began to pull up everything, except the tree itself. I then went to the other trees we planted, which were a bit bigger, and did the same thing. I ended my excursion by tending to our blueberry bushes in the same way. As I was pulling what I thought to be useless or “plants of no value”, the definition of weed according to Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, my mind began to wander to the books other definition “to remove the less desirable portions of, to remove that which is harmful or offensive”.

As I think about those definitions, I realize there is other literal weeding I need to tend to. Thoughts race of the less desirable things that keep creeping into my life consciously and subconsciously that I definitely need to learn how to weed out. I would love to have them leave permanently. I have a feeling though, they will continue to creep and I will need to be a constant gardener. I am conscious of the fact that I like to do things perfectly. And well life just does not work that way. I am also conscious to the fact that I hate to say no. But yes all the time, can make life confusing, hectic, and even stressful. On the subconscious level I continue to recognize when fear and lack of confidence start to creep back in. So as I learn to weed out my yard, I am also learning to weed out my life.

When it comes to my environment, I normally do like to think before I act, and am always researching whether or not what I am about to rid myself of has a beneficial use.  So I knew that my trees and bushes would continue to grow irregardless of if I pulled the weeds or not. They would just grow at a slower rate. But, on this day I wanted my trees, my new growth, to have all my love. So I yanked everything within a foot around them. While doing so, I also began to recognize that when I am out in my yard, surrounded by plant life and wild life, I am truly at peace. It really does not matter what kind of work I am doing, I just know it is very calming for me. Light bulb on, I guess I need to be out there doing whatever more often.

So as I learn how to embrace everything that is imperfect about who and what I am, and make all attempts to weed the things out of my life that are holding me from taking risks and/or learning new things (like how to weed a garden), I invite you to share with all of us, anything that you need to weed. Whether that be a new garden you planted for the first time, or the wardrobe you no longer wear, or like me the inner being that is trying not to be insecure or afraid anymore, it does not matter. What matters is that you recognize that you, like all of us, have unwanted plants and that you take the time to remove those undesirables from your life. And when you are ready to share with us we will be here wanting to hear what you have to say.