Hatred Corrupts The Vessel

Today I watched the funeral, of a former leader, of the nation I was born into. I became sad for a nation so divided, yet happy for a man whose heart, and soul, touched many. Although there were moments that made me laugh and moments that made me cry, there was a moment that so struck me to the core that I had to come share it with you. A simple sentence stated that made me think of another sentence, in a comment, to one of my original posts. The line spoken today was “hatred corrupts the vessel that carries it”. The line commented by a friend of mine was “hate the game, do not hate the player”. Today had a profound aha moment for me, or rather a questioning moment for me. Was I hating the direction that corrupt vessels have taken us? Or was I hating the vessel that carried enough hatred to point us in such directions? or was I hating at all?

As I sat and looked at the faces of some of the leaders, dignitaries, diplomats, princes, and kings that attended today, for the first time in a long time, I thought I really wasn’t sure of the answers to those questions. I had to dig deep, and walk in a truth, that if I was to truly walk my walk and talk my talk, than love had to rise to the surface. I had to separate things that have been done from the people who have done them. I had to believe in the existence of both love and hate, good and evil in them. I had to realize that, like me, when they walked in their moments of hate they corrupted their vessel and when they walked in their moments of love they redeemed themselves and repaired damage to their vessels. I recently said to someone who uttered the words “this world is full of evil and it is getting worse not better”, “that this was why I needed to love more, that I needed to love deeper, and stronger, and more steadfastly, for it will only be love that will defeat hate and love that will remove the pain that has caused the hate in the first place”. Maybe when we can find forgiveness for atrocious acts that put us and keep us locked in hatred, love can shed the light as to why they were done in the first place, than great change can happen for the better of all, not just some.

Watching this has made my heart-break for those whose vessels have not seen the light of love for a very long time. I cannot and do not want to imagine how or what they must feel. It breaks for the people of nations who cannot differentiate between the player and the game. Who are kept divided, confused, and uneducated to truths by vessels they trust that are corrupted by hate. And shockingly it also breaks for leaders of nations, of religions, of organizations, who because they are human, also have moments of hate that lead them to make decisions that corrupt the vessels that carry them. I wonder will any of this change? and when and how will it change?  Can I repair your broken heart? And can you repair mine? Can we repair broken nations together? And can we repair a broken world? I will continue to have hope that anything and everything is possible, and further hope, that I will always look to love for guidance, no matter how hard that might be.

I do not know what your thoughts might be on the matter, but I sure am willing and ready to hear them or read them, whenever you are ready to leave them. So join when you are ready and until then, I hope my thoughts are food for discussion that you may have around your dinner table, whether you agree or not. May your vessel not be heavy with the cargo of hate and corruption, but instead be light and flowing with the power of love.




One thought on “Hatred Corrupts The Vessel”

  1. The soul resides in the human body…also referred to as the vessel. In this time if divisiveness it is rather absurd that we could blame just one man for it. God granted us all free will. It is in this free will we make decisions for ourselves. If there is hatred and bigotry and bullying then we really only have ourselves to blame. We are challenged everday. I choose to keep my vessel as pure as possible. I remind myself daily of it. Remind myself to be more forgiving, non-judgmental, loving and kind. What we sow we reap. It is my hope that humanity will come to the realization that we are here to help each other not break each other down.

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