Today I am here to admit that I have never been much of a gardener. But, I am beginning to recognize that there is a need for me to learn to become one. Several days ago, as I looked out my kitchen window, I saw that the weeds were out growing one of the trees we planted late last year. So I put on the gloves, went outside and began to pull up everything, except the tree itself. I then went to the other trees we planted, which were a bit bigger, and did the same thing. I ended my excursion by tending to our blueberry bushes in the same way. As I was pulling what I thought to be useless or “plants of no value”, the definition of weed according to Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, my mind began to wander to the books other definition “to remove the less desirable portions of, to remove that which is harmful or offensive”.
As I think about those definitions, I realize there is other literal weeding I need to tend to. Thoughts race of the less desirable things that keep creeping into my life consciously and subconsciously that I definitely need to learn how to weed out. I would love to have them leave permanently. I have a feeling though, they will continue to creep and I will need to be a constant gardener. I am conscious of the fact that I like to do things perfectly. And well life just does not work that way. I am also conscious to the fact that I hate to say no. But yes all the time, can make life confusing, hectic, and even stressful. On the subconscious level I continue to recognize when fear and lack of confidence start to creep back in. So as I learn to weed out my yard, I am also learning to weed out my life.
When it comes to my environment, I normally do like to think before I act, and am always researching whether or not what I am about to rid myself of has a beneficial use. So I knew that my trees and bushes would continue to grow irregardless of if I pulled the weeds or not. They would just grow at a slower rate. But, on this day I wanted my trees, my new growth, to have all my love. So I yanked everything within a foot around them. While doing so, I also began to recognize that when I am out in my yard, surrounded by plant life and wild life, I am truly at peace. It really does not matter what kind of work I am doing, I just know it is very calming for me. Light bulb on, I guess I need to be out there doing whatever more often.
So as I learn how to embrace everything that is imperfect about who and what I am, and make all attempts to weed the things out of my life that are holding me from taking risks and/or learning new things (like how to weed a garden), I invite you to share with all of us, anything that you need to weed. Whether that be a new garden you planted for the first time, or the wardrobe you no longer wear, or like me the inner being that is trying not to be insecure or afraid anymore, it does not matter. What matters is that you recognize that you, like all of us, have unwanted plants and that you take the time to remove those undesirables from your life. And when you are ready to share with us we will be here wanting to hear what you have to say.