We Are All Models…

I apologize for being away so long in between posts as I try to balance my life. It really is a dream of mine to know that you are reading what I write. And a bigger dream, and hope that my experiences, and the revealing of them, have some effect on you. Today I want to tell you about my childhood dream and my realization to achieving it in ways I never possibly imagined. It took me redefining the word model in my existence, and to shining the light on an event that I thought damaged me. Instead I am realizing how it has truly helped fulfill me. No more crying tears for what I thought that event took away from me. Now only crying tears of joy knowing that forgiving myself, and the others involved, has shown me that I needed that event to happen, to become who I am, and to learn and recognize what I needed to.

You may have figured out that as a child I wanted to be a model. And although I may have had the body for it growing up, I suppose my face was not magazine material. The high school boys involved in my incident, when I was 8 or 9 years old, apparently thought the same in their pointing out of my ugliness. Since that day, I have never thought of myself as being physically beautiful. Although I have learned that inner beauty radiates and does make the outer shell appear to be more beautiful. Knowing that I have learned this, you may just believe me when I say, you could not imagine how grateful I am for those boys. Feeling this way about my outer shell, has allowed me to work on my insides my entire life. It has allowed me to enhance the beauty of my soul, the true model we all should be. Yes they took away my confidence, and shattered my ego, and I thank God. Because what they gave me were humility, kindness, and goodness for starters.

As I write this, and think about other influential people in my life, whether what they did to me was negative or positive, I can clearly see the lesson I was supposed to learn. They taught me that I was lovable, beautiful, humorous, strong, courageous, and that soul connections are limitless. They also shined the light on things that have needed repairs, and may need to continue to be worked on, like how stubborn or argumentative I can be, times of jealousy and envy, as well as, moments of contentiousness. I have never been one to really hate or harm since that day, but I now recognize when it is I am truly not loving either. It is sad that we all feel we must protect ourselves from the outer shells of others. Even sadder that many still do not know the joy of letting their soul light shine and connect to other souls.

Something I read recently, and what put the thought of this post in my brain, is the lesson for today. I read that the flesh sins. It always has and it always will. We cannot avoid that. Whether the sin be conceit, envy, jealousy, greed, hate, selfishness, or worse, does not matter. We will always sin, we are human. The trick is to keep minimal the sin. On the other hand, the Spirit or Soul, if you will, is love. When we choose to walk or grow in spirit, we choose joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness to name a few. My epiphany was that, my entire life, I had been a model. But so haven’t you. And when we chose to, or choose to, walk in the flesh, we model or show others, how to hate, how to be greedy, how to rob, cheat, steal, murder, etc.. Oh and when we walk in the Spirit, we model to others – God’s Law – Love thy neighbor as thyself. For when we walk in the spirit of love we model joy, peace, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and faith.

I know which model I choose to be and have chosen for a long time. I hope after reading this, you will think about the model you want to be. Life of temptation is hard to resist, and will never be fully resisted, we can only do the best we can. I hope we all choose wisely, our souls, if nothing else, depend on it. May we all be or become beacons of the Spirit of love.. Have a thought, an epiphany of your own you want to share, please do. We invite you always to participate. Until you are ready – love to you all..

2 thoughts on “We Are All Models…”

  1. I think you give far too much credit to the bullies that shaped you. You should give more credit to yourself for that ….for you are the one who has chosen your path. YOU chose love, YOU chose light, YOU chose humility and kindness. They did not give that to you, but you gave it to yourself through moments of darkness. I think it would be safe to say that you can now as an adult appreciate the position you were put in by those mean acts by others, but you should be thanking yourself for the choices you have made since that is what put you on such a path. To make your mess your message is admirable. Just sayin ……
    P.S. Love you, and your light.

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