I Shot The Moon…

Should I admit it? Probably not. Should I live in fear of someone saying I sexually harassed them? I am not going to. And yes you did hear me right. I shot the moon. Some of you who know me, might find that hard to believe. Others are probably laughing right now, saying I am not shocked. Maybe shocking, or not so shocking, there is actually proof floating around out there. You see the only times I have ever mooned in my life was actually for the camera. Pictures taken to be sent to someone as a laughable matter. My apologies to the camera man or woman as they were the ones with the close up view. Course, I did have a nicer butt back then, so maybe it was not so offensive. Do I regret it? No. Did I lose friends over it? Maybe acquaintances, not friends. I always say, those who truly know and love you are going to truly know and love you. Those people will approach you to work out any kind of grievance they have. The others will stir up problems and/or walk away if they cannot rile up the situation. Would I do it again? Very possibly. And guess what, I would fully accept responsibility for my actions today just like I did then. I may not have liked some of the outcomes back then, but I accepted them and moved on. I also learned a great deal about the type of people everyone was, based on the happenings, including myself. That was then, however, and this is now. And if you ask me, we have literally lost all common sense.

Some words of wisdom I think I want to impart. I have learned in my life, that the mere fact that I exist is offensive to some. So in this day and age when we are offended about everything, I am totally going to admit that I have offended and still offend people. Guess what, you do too. Unless we all want to duct tape our mouths and put bags over ourselves, may I suggest we put a little common sense back into society. I am going to tell you a truth. Unless you walk into a room that you are the only one in, you may be offending someone. Can we all just please get over ourselves?

I have or at least am trying; to get over myself I mean. Another little piece of factual information, is that I have a disorder that sometimes, if not all the time, makes my eyes big. Trust me, I think I have heard it all. “Why the hell are you looking at me like that?” “Damn girl, you do not need to look so surprised.” “Yeah I saw your response to those prices, they are high aren’t they?” In each instance I have had to explain that I have a disorder and do not know how big my eyes really are. People then apologize and my normal response is there is no need for an apology. I have even received compliments on how beautiful my eyes are, I say to each his own. The good news is that in more cases than not laughter abounds. The reasoning may be because I choose not to get offended. Maybe we can all start to choose that for ourselves. We just might find that laughter is healing for the soul and we probably should do more of it.

I am so glad I can say that now; about laughter. It may surprise you to learn that the same person that shot the moon was really, really, really sensitive as a child. I was offended and hurt by everything. I probably spent the first two decades of my life, if not more, crying. As a believer in fate, as she or he would have it, I have had some great people in my life that have taught me invaluable lessons. Most of those lessons, probably unintentionally, taught me more about myself than they did about others. I took what I learned from those people and grew a harder shell, learned to not let what others say or do hurt me, and really learned to recognize humor. Today when I look back, I almost feel bad that I allowed others humor to hurt my feelings. And in recent years instead of approaching some and bringing up an offense that I felt at the time, instead I am thanking them for the humor and laughter that they have brought into my life since day one. I tell them it took me a long time to truly appreciate humor, but man do I now, and pretty much recognize it everywhere. Of course, that is when the anger is toned down. Humor is so much easier to see and feel when we live with a little more light in our hearts. So even if I am the butt of the joke, have at me, because everyone’s laughter is not only soothing for their soul it is also soothing for mine.



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